Frequently Asked Questions

Do you wholesale or Retails?
We are Manufacturer, Wholesaler & Exporters offering the best wholesale prices along with Excellent Quality.
How do you Ship?
We Ship via Courier Mode in DHL, FEDEX & TNT etc as well we do Sea Freight & Air Cargo. We ship to every nook & corner of the world.
What are Payment Methods?
PayPal & Bank Wire Transfer (T.T) or As per Buyers Choice.
When to Pay?
Once you place an order with us you will be replied with proforma invoice along with shipping after that you can pay.
What are Shipping Charges?
Shipping charges are based on total order items weight and destination.
What information to be provided at time of Ordering?
You have to provide complete Physical address along with zip-code & Phone Number.
How to Place an order?
Just Add to Cart the desired product & fill the require quantity but not lesser then our MOQ & send to us.
To view your Shopping click the View Cart. Within few hours you will be replyed with Proforma Invoice along with shipping.
You can even send the order in Email or attached Word/Excel File.
What is your Minimum Ordering Amount?
Our Minimum Ordering Amount is US$500
We accept payment in all Currency.
What is MOQ?
MOQ is the Short form of Minimum Order Quantity

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